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Find A Kidney Blog

In the Find A Kidney Blog, you’ll find both education and inspiration in your search for a living kidney donor, including tips from experts who have conducted a successful search and personal stories from people who have been in your situation and were able to find a living donor for a kidney transplant.

My Kidney Transplant Story: Ron Gurley

Ron Gurley

I was born with one kidney. I found out in 1957 when I was six years old. I had a gunshot wound to my chest; it was a miracle I lived. When they were looking at the damage it had done and getting me all sewed up, they saw that I only had one kidney.

The Risks of Dialysis for Kidney Failure

Amanda Leonberg-Yoo, MD, NKR Medical Board, Medical Director, Kidney Transplant, University of Pennsylvania Health

Dialysis is a life-saving treatment for people with kidney failure, but like any medical procedure, it comes with risks. Whether you’re undergoing dialysis yourself or have a loved one receiving treatment, it’s important to understand the side effects of dialysis to enable you to make the right choices for your health. What is Dialysis? Dialysis …

My Grandchild’s Kidney Transplant Story: Harlow Tucker

Lisa Tucker

“If you had just one wish…” Before the question was finished, Harlow Tucker was ready with the answer: “To be a normal kid.”   Her angelic smile and quiet charm can make you forget for a moment that she has been in and out of hospitals since she was only two weeks old.  Harlow is a …

My Kidney Transplant Story: Michael Palazzo

Michael Palazzo

In 2009, I was a police officer on patrol and got into a pursuit with two guys on PCP. They crashed, one of them jumped on my back, and I ended up hurting my hand.   The swelling wasn’t going down, so they did a blood test and found out I was in Stage 5 kidney …